Do you have a property for sale or to rent in Portugal?
Get your rental or property listing in front of our community of thousands of people looking for a vacation rental, investment opportunity, to qualify for their visa application, or to make their permanent home.
If getting all those eyes on your property sounds like a big YES to you, follow these steps below. It’s quick and easy!
1. Place your order for the number of properties you would like to list. It’s €10 for the first property and €5 for each additional property listings.
*Listing remains active for 30-days with the option to renew at the end of the 30-days.
**We charge a fee to keep spammers at bay and to help us keep the lights on and the free resources flowin’ at Everyday Portugal. We thank you for your patronage!





2. List your rental or property for sale using the form below. Complete one form for each separate listing (if you are listing more than one property).
3. We’ll review your listing within 72 hrs and if everything is completed correctly, it will post immediately. If anything is missing we will contact you to get the information needed to post your listing as soon as possible.
Special Note: All listings must be active and available listings. You may not use an old or fake listing as bait to gain new clients. Anyone caught posting a fake/expired listing will be banned from our website, from listing properties in the future, and from our facebook communities.
Property Listing Submission Form
We’ll contact you when your listing goes live.